Tuesday, June 28


I'm an AUNTIE!!!!! My niece, Kaycee Raya, was born today!! What a beautiful little girl she is! Unfortunately, we were unable to visit her in the hospital, but were so lucky to be up in Regina the day they got released!!

Monday, June 27


Grad time is such a great time!! I had a blast taking pics with Corinne!

Sunday, June 26


We truly are so grateful to have a seasonal campsite this year!! We have already enjoyed it so much! Nothing like eating supper around the campfire!

Saturday, June 25


A little bruising never stopped a girl from going to cheer on the Riders!!

Friday, June 24


I had an MRI in Saskatoon this month. This was a "top 2" in the most excrutiating MRI's I've ever had, in fact it may just top them all!! It was 2 1/2 hours lying completely still{which may not seem like a big deal, but take into account nerve pain....and it's just unbearable}. To top that off, I had to get an IV so they could inject a dye to better see the tumors and blood vessels going through them and so on. Well apparently my veins were not all about getting an IV, I had major bruising on both arms...BUT a little bruising never hurt noone! I survived, and my medical records are better and more accurate because of it!!

Thursday, June 23


Oxbow, along with SO many communities, was hit by major flooding this year!! It was very sad, and a lot was lost from many people because of this!!

Thursday, June 9


While the kids and I were away enjoying the mountains, Jared and his buddies were away enjoying their annual fishing trip!! MMM fish!!!

Wednesday, June 8


We traveled home from Canmore today...and this was the end result. ARGH! Not the greatest end to our trip, but better it happened at the end than at the beginning!!

Tuesday, June 7


Wanted to share this photo of Uncle Gary, taken at the wedding on the weekend. He is such a blast, can you tell?

Monday, June 6


Happy 5th birthday to our sweet sweet princess, Paige!!! For real 5 years old???? My baby is off to Kindergarten in the fall!!!

Sunday, June 5


Goodbye Mountains, it's been great!

Saturday, June 4


Wedding Day!!!! We were so happy to be able to attend Tyler and Amy's BEAUTIFUL wedding!! The kids had so much fun! Dominic getting to run around, and Paige proving she is a dancing QUEEN (tired poor mom out--I realized I'm not NEAR the dancer she is!!)

Friday, June 3


Arrived in Canmore today. I couldn't quite figure my IPhone out by the window, so the kids are kind of silhouetted. but......YAY MOUNTAINS!!! It has been 2 years since I seen them, and I have to ask myself...why don't I come here more often?

Thursday, June 2


ON THE ROAD!! The kids and I, along with Grandma Tracy, are Canmore bound today! This will be the kids first time seeing the mountains. Too bad it has to be such a rushed trip! Nevertheless, we are all very excited!!

Wednesday, June 1


Jared headed out on his annual fishing trip up north today. Check out their cooking set up? Pretty stellar!