Wednesday, June 16

Flowers, Flowers and more Flowers..

I love planting flowers. Here are a few I have planted this year:

Bike Times!!

Paige is out trying to keep up with Dom and his neighbourhood friends! Having such a blast

Not so Healthy....

This poor tree didn't green thumb only goes so far. A little green leaf fell onto the branches, as if to give it some color!!

Our little 4 year old

Our shy yet outgoing, ms. personality, independent, beautiful 4 year old.

Thursday, June 3

No Monkey'in around!

Ya can't help but grab the camera when you see this...the challenge to get them all to look at the same time


Jared and I enjoyed our 1st 3D movie " Meet the Titans" (I think that's what it was called). It was splendid!

Fun with Auntie!

Auntie came to visit and the kids had a blast with her!

I miss Rider Games

I can't wait for the season to start again!!

Beautiful Jolene

Ok so I know I am over 3 months behind, but I am going to try and get back into this. I really miss blogging and sharing my photos with all of you!! Life has been so hectic that blogging kind of got put on the back burner!

So here goes. I did a lovely photo shoot with My pregnant cousin, Jolene. She is so gorgeous