Saturday, December 27

Fishing Trip Commences

I didn't take my camera with me much during our Ice Fishing Trip ( a lot had to do with the -40 weather, not to mention the ice/water/expensive camera haha)

But here are a couple of the group. There were five of us , Brad, Jeff & Sarah, and Jared & I.

Wait to you see the Guitar Hero World Tour videos...they are humorous!!!

Thursday, December 25

Xmas Gifts

This pic only holds a couple of the gifts I got....but oh well

For Xmas this year I got:

A 8GB Ipod !! (was on my list WOOT WOOT, didn't request one with that much GB but who's complaining)

I got my black dress up jacket (TOTAL surprise, I didn't think he'd actually get it for me)

I got UNDER armour (GREAT for ice fishing , and RIDER GAMES!!)

From Tracy & Ron:
I got a great book (Gargoyle), I'm only 3/4 through but it's definetly interesting.

And then we also got a gift certificate to get another Denby place setting (however I think I am switching away from Denby, seeing as the place setting I got last year is already discontinued GGRRR)

From My Parents:
I got new phones for the house

and Jared got gift certificates to go skiing/snowboarding at Assessippi . SO EXCITING haha I can't wait to go

From my sibling Draw:

I got a great POPCORN maker from Amber. it is awesome, absolutely awesome!!!!!

My buddy bud, Tanya, gave me a scrapbooking set...Jared's brother gave us a DVD player with a USB port, so we can hook up a hard drive to it!!

ALL in all , I 'd say this xmas was a pretty spoiled Xmas. My kids got WAY spoiled, Jared got WAY spoiled. and I got WAY spoiled.

Popcorn Maker & Ipod , I believe are the only 2 items that were actually on my list (b/c I bought American Idol before xmas tee hee). So I think I made out pretty damn I just need to buy myself a bread maker (which I WILL do when we get back from Dominican)

More Christmas Day

Some more pics I took Christmas Day.....

Wednesday, December 24

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning is ALWAYS such a blur for me, and I ALWAYS ALWAYS lack in picture's, and I'm pretty sure my kids will hate me later on for it. But I did do better this year than most. I got a couple pics.

Dom got a lot of "hunting stuff" (a bow & arrow--that came with fake binoculars, a gun...ya he wants to be a hunter like his dad)
Paige got lots and lots of girly stuff. Littlest Pet shopt, My little Pony.

And oh so much more... oh man if only I would've taken more pics.. I would have no problem filling up December's blog with the amount of gifts these 2 kids got!! YEESH HAHA

OH YA, and Daddy had lots of fun playing with the new toys too!! HAHAHA


I decided that we are going to start another tradition...making a Gingerbread house every Christmas Eve.

I really hope it gets easier every year, b/c this was my first one...and it was flipping hard. but the kids had fun decorating it with candy's


Jared and I have kinda started our own little tradition. My family didn't do it, and nor did his. Or maybe his did...I dunno where we came up with the ya, I duno...

Anyways...We decided that every Xmas Eve the kids could open ONE gift, the catch....the gift they open is ALWAYS pajama's. So then they have a cute,new pair of pj's to wear for Christmas Morning.

So this pic, is Tracy holding Paige in her new pj's...and if you go back to the previous pic, that's Dominic in his new pj's ...

Whistle Whistle.

Dom found this wonderful thing, while at Gramma & Grampa M's....a whistle/flute/whatever you want to call it.

It's all cute and fun for the first 30 sec's....but then it gets old pretty quick haha. Hence, the whistle getting hid on top of the fridge.

Christmas Tree

Well we did it, after I said how much work it would be...

We packed up ALL our Xmas goodies and headed to Dauphin for Xmas Day. Actually we headed there on the 23rd.

This was the tree that Ron and Tracy (Jared's parents) had cut down. It was so cute, and just perfect. They waited to decorate it, so that the kids could help decorate it. They had a blast doing it.


Dominic tends to be my guinea pig, but Paige let me snap some pics of her. She is such a doll, and even more so in her OH SO CUTE Dress from Auntie Amber.

Monday, December 22

Talk about Sweetness

Check out this ball of sweetness:

She even did the head tilt haha, too cute. Sportin' her new ROXY outfit from Uncle Jeremy & Auntie Lizz...what a lucky turd!


I just wanted photo evidence of how hard it is to go somewhere else for Christmas Day.

This is all the stuff we have to take, well most of it. We are gone for over a week, so not only do we have to pack a load of clothes, but we also have to pack ALL the santa gifts (that he dropped off early OBVIOUSLY) AND all the other gifts we had under our tree. I guess the one nice thing is that a lot of the kids' gifts are clothes , so we didn't have to pack a LOT of clothes...mostly just enough to get us until Christmas Day.

Movin' Up

After having my phone for YEARS, and it being totally OUT DATED! My dear dear husband let me have his OLD phone..AWE thanks hun!! Well I've razzed him about it quite a bit to no avail.

That is, until last week when he came home with one of these for me:

Don't think he picked that out on his own...I had been telling him exactly what I wanted.

But he did pick out a cute pink case for it ALL ON HIS OWN!!

He can be sweet, when he wants to be.


I was too busy getting the kids to go to Santa, that I forgot to take a pic with my own camera. So the ones where they are on his knee won't be coming until later.

I did snap this one, that I thought was pretty cute!! It's about as close as Paige was willing to get to Santa without screaming and crying.

Honestly, we should've had a video camera set up to make a video of all the crying kids it was actually kinda a mean parent kinda way.

Christmas party for the kids

The Family Center, here in town, had a Christmas party for the kids. Santa came and we all enjoyed a pot luck lunch.
The kids had a blast and it was nice to have a chance to visit with some of the other mom's!


Isn't he the cutest. Yep the girls pretty much adore him. And do his mommy and daddy!

He can sure be a handful, but that doesn't mean I don't cherish every bit of that handful!!


I sat down to blog today..b/c the hecticness of my life is beginning again (will explain in a bit)..but back to blogging...I absolutely love reading people's blogs that put pic's I have committed to do the same!

Well I went and plugged my camera in, to upload the pics to my realize not only will it not turn on, but the WHOLE battery is missing. After 1/2 hr of searching, I found it...Then came to the realization that it needed charged.

SO here I sit, ready and WANTING to blog...but no pics to help me!!!

I will give a quick update on our life b/c really I don't know when else I'm going to have the chance.

Dominic is UBER UBER excited for Christmas. This makes me so so so happy. I have always been the biggest kid in my family, waking up the earliest, waking everyone else matter my age. So now to have kids that want to do that...well that's just awesome!! He is excited b/c we have decided to go up to Dauphin. And that means he gets to see the horse, Cami! We went and seen Santa the other day, and Dom was so excited, told him "I want a gun and an arrow" ...I hope that Santa doesn't think we raise our kids to be violent.. haha he just wants to be ahunter like daddy!

Paige is excited for Christmas, but not to the same extent as Dominic. And when she saw Santa, she cried. I was so caught up with getting her to sit on his lap, I didn't take a pic with my own camera..But I did get a couple pics of this day..that will come later!

Jared is finally done working in Assiniboia. He had to go out to Red Deer to pick up his new rig, but he is home now and I am so glad (except for the fact that he is so so messy) It was kind of nice to clean up and not have an ADULT messing it up right behind me haha.

So this is what our Schedule looks like for the next little bit. I will hardly get to sleep in my own bed!!
TODAY: I head to Minot overnight (my dad flies out of the airport at 4 AM), the kids will either be with Jared at home, or my Gramma.
TOMORROW: Finish up any shopping I didn't do the day before, and head home. To which, we have to get ALL our Christmas gifts/goodies/and bags packed and loaded in the truck. Then we need to drive to Indian Head and drop the kids off and go out for supper with my high school friends.
WEDNESDAY: We head to Dauphin, play cards, make our gingerbread house, have a glass of wine and relax.
THURSDAY: Well ya know!!! Opening gifts and shoving our faces full of turkey!! haha.
FRIDAY or SAT : I am hoping Jared and I can get up to Assessipi to use our GC's from my parents.
MONDAY: we head up to the Pas until Friday for a week of ice fishing with Brad, Jeff & Sarah. Jared's parents are keeping the kids while we go. We come back home on the Friday the 2nd.
WEDNESDAY THE 7TH : we fly out of Regina to the DOMINICAN!!! My parents are keeping the kids this week.

Yep so last night was one of few nights any of us will sleep in our own beds until the 13th of January. That just seems crazy!!!

Thursday, December 18

Advent Calendar

About a month ago, I was to attend an Advent Calendar making class. Turned out I could not make it. But I really still wanted to do it!!

Well today Starr dropped it off, fully finished.

It is SO cool. It is made out of a muffin tin..and then the numbers that cover the openings have magnet on the back so they stick and remove easily..

So cool!

Wednesday, December 17


If that's how you say/spell that word is meaningless I AM FINISHED!!!

Christmas Cards are finished, enveloped and in the mail!!! I know I know, it's ONE WEEK until Christmas...let's hope Canada Post is ON THE BALL so that they arrive in time.

In my defense, I put SO much work into these!! I used the Stampin' Up stamps that I purchased from Starr . I know I could have had them done a LONG time ago...but I didn't (blame it on facebook/email/pogo/ INTERNET IN GENERAL! OR even the fact that I've been RUNNING like crazy since I finished my job!)

The good news is, they are done!!!

Saturday, December 13

Eagle Christmas Party

Jared's work had an AWESOME Christmas Party. This is his first year with this company. The company he was with prior, did not host Christmas Parties.

It was SUCH a blast. I thoroughly enjoyed myself; from the free scrumscious meal to the free booze to the hypnotist to the socializing with Jared's coworkers and their wives. They have definetly set the standard high as I haven't quite been to a Christmas party like this one before!!

And YES I got hypnotized. I really wish I hadn' front of ALL Jared's coworkers...argghh. But it was fun, and everyone viewed it as that..and if they didn't then PFFTT (right??!!! RIGHT!)

Here's a couple pics from the fun filled evening.

Also, I want to send out a HUGE thank you to my lovely friend Sarah who watched our kids over night. What a gal, she rocks!!

Friday, December 12

Clean Clean Clean

So in the past I have attempted to "declutter" my house. This winter, with me not working, I am taking a new approach on it. And doing one "area" at a time. I started with my living room, then our computer desk (which is more just a desk now, b/c that computer crashed), and today I conquered our bedroom.

I didn't clean under the bed, but I have a couple excuses for it. #1-- I've been under there digging for suitcases etc a lot lately, so there is no surprises under there. #2 I am hiding the kids Christmas gifts under there...and seeing as they were awake while I was doing this...ya not even gonna try.

So my main focus was our disaster of a closet. Clothes were just thrown ALL over in there. I bagged up a few clothes we NEVER wore, I refolded and set things up nicely AND I took out all the junk from the bottom.. Including the Christmas gifts that were waiting to get wrapped...they are now wrapped!

And this is the final result!

Thursday, December 11


I caught my little girl running around the house doing this today:

She is too cute for words. However she did get quite mad when I started taking her pic. I think she secretly wants to be a cowgirl, but wants everyone to think she's a princess...therefore doesn't want photo evidence of her being a cowgirl!! tee hee

Sportin' it..

I hadn't got my hair colored since....hmm I don't even know when, last time I got it colored I did it my self. I haven't got it cut since August..and anyone with short hair KNOWS that is a BIG no-no!

So with Jared's Christmas Party coming up, I wanted to pamper myself and get my hair done. So while I was in Regina getting a new windshield (post about that to come!!), I went and got my hair DID!

Now let me tell you, my hair stylist was absolutely amazing and she did an awesome job of it...but I will never go back there again. Perhaps I am just cheap. But I have never ever paid $160 for a hair do before in my life. I have SHORT hair, so how the hell does it cost that much!! YOWSERS!

Anyways, that's my complain of the day. At least I am happy with the cut and color...B/c that would've been a hard one to swallow if I didn't end up being happy with my hair!!

But I mean, look at how awesome it looks!! I love it!

Wednesday, December 10

Chicken Caesar Wraps.

I absolutely love these!! And they are so so simple to make!!!

Just cut your chicken breasts into strips (add desired seasonings)
Cut up lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
Put in wrap, add caesar dressing and bacon bits..and you have a scrumcious nutrious meal (as long as you don't add too much dressing!)