Sunday, January 27

not long enough

Hi ALL! We had been doing so good at not getting the infamous cold this season...that is until this week. We held off, but not near long enough...I hate colds. Both the kids are sick, however Paige had it first and is already starting to recover, and me and Domo are worse. Jared has been lucky to not catch it yet, as with Mallory. I have tried to keep things sanitized with disinfectant, but you can only do so much to avoid the inevitable.
Last night, Kathy and Sara came over for some drinks with Mallory and I. We had a great time sitting around talking non sense and laughing. I prepared a lot of chocolate stuff that can be seen on my facebook page. I am tired though this morning (as I'm sure staying up late WITH a cold was NO help!)
Our plan the past two weekends was to go to the movie in Carnduff, but it was cancelled both times. Alvin and the Chipmunks is playing right now in Estevan..but I just don't feel up to going. My eyes won't stop running b/c of this cold, my nose is also constantly running, and Dominic is not much better. Last night he woke up with such a congested cough I really thought he was going to puke from the phegminess. So I gave him half a dropper full of adult cough syrup to break it up a little, and he was fine the rest of the it must have helped.
I am so looking forward to the Feb. long weekend. Jared and I are taking the kids and going on a little getaway with my parents. I can't wait to just get away for a little while. It's nice to get a break from your day-to-day routine.
Well I am going to try and drink some tea and have a bath...maybe that will help me feel a bit better.

Wednesday, January 23


Here I am, a working mother of two. I always thought there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to be a working I am not so sure why.
I just started full time this week, and so far so good far as work goes. As far as home life..OMG, do any other mom's suffer from this?---
You get up so early, in order to drop your kids off at the sitter, go and work all day, go pick up your kids, come home and try and get supper ready,then bathtime and bedtime. And somewhere in there the kids want your ever-dying attention. It's rough, and usually Jared isn't home until 8 or later.
I have started putting the kids to bed early, in hopes that when we get home after the day..they won't be so grouchy. B/c I have been making them get up so early. Here's to hoping that helps, anyways.
Other than that, not much else new with our family.
I am too tired to even think what to write.

Saturday, January 19


I didn't want to blog the past couple days, b/c I didn't want this to be a big rant. I just am a little hurt by someone, b/c I wanted to help out with something but oh well. All that matter's is that it is getting planned and it doesn't matter who plans it.

I start work full time on Monday. Which has it's own pros and cons. I am excited to be back in the work force. I am already really missing the kiddo's though. and not quite sure how I will keep up with house work, but it will all work out I am sure. The kids are going to Jayden's every day I work, and they really seem to like that, and thank makes it so much easier to leave for work.

I don't even know what to blog. I am sitting here just BLAH!

Had Sara's bday the other night, which was a blast. Beforehand, we stopped at Bubba and Denise's to drop something off and got to see their wedding invites they are scrappin'. They are so very nice! So creative!

I think I am going to try a new recipe today. We'll see how ambitious I get. Right now I just feel like playin' with the kids and not accomplishing anything.

Tomorrow is Curl for Cancer. yeehaw.