Sunday, August 31


Just a little rant about this "I phone" business.

In Saskatchewan, the only authorized dealer is Rogers. ROGERS , ROGERS??? WTH!! Ever since I moved to Oxbow I have boycotted anything Rogers.

Rogers claims to have the broadest spectrum, it's all bull. You get 30 min outside of Regina going towards Stoughton, NO service all the way to Oxbow. If you go the other way through Weyburn and Estevan. You will have service until Estevan I believe (which is a 45 min drive from us). Doesn't help for road trips when you may NEED that cell service , and the usual way home is through Stoughton.

I am disgusted that Rogers is the only one with this oh so cool I-phone. I have really no inclinations on what is so cool about this new phone. But I can gather on my own from the "over 400 people in line" that it is QUITE THE PHONE!

So to you Sasktel Mobility (the only provider that gives us people in the boonies any service) I say BOO , BOO !!

My girly

My girly is less than a foot shorter than Dominic ( I will make a point to capture this photo op In my attempts to make up for my falling behing blogging).
But also , she hasn't quite grasped the "look at Mommy" for the camera, bit yet. Sometimes, but rarely. None the less. She is my doll and I love her to bits.

She loves getting home and just tearing her pig tails out. Poor girl, I always make her wear them, as she has SO CURLY of hair! But she is just like us adults, get home and LET LOOSE!!! Take the hair out, take off the dressy shoes, the work clothes and just relax. These pics show a little bit of her CRRRAZZY Hair. Auntie Amber, if I didn't go through labour, I'd think you were her mom.!

Labour Day Game

DH and his buddy, are both Bomber fans. So I knew the labour day game would be fun. However the game itself, really wasn't an uproaring,edge of your seats kind of game. But hey, we won so who's complaining right??

Pics Of Jolene, Mallory and I. And of Mallory , Gainer, and I...with a disapproving Eric(Bubba) in the pic!


Saturday, August 30

Visit with Babies!!

I don't even like to admit that I was totally LAME and didn't take any pics of my baby cousins...but it's the truth. Hence using other people's pictures. But how can I not share how cute these two are??!!

Baby Nicholas is on the towels, he is a lot bigger than that now at 4 months of age!

Baby Marcel is eating the ice cream cone. He is such a doll, he is over a year now!

Thursday, August 28

Sale AND NEW!!

There is bunch of products on sale this month:Here is a preview of a couple of them!

Like this Ice Cube tray Set:

Normally $25 on sale for $15

or this Sandwich Lunch Set:

HALF PRICE!! Only $37

Retiring August 30th is the Sheerly Elegant Set:

Get it now while you still can, $109.50

My fave new item is this cute little item! It's called the Squeeze It Decorator. It can be used for SO many things. Stuffing mushrooms, eggs, decorating cupcakes, cakes whatever you want to use it for , and the price is totally reasonable!

Our holiday

Well our holiday is officially over. It is nice to be home...but at the same rate it's not. Every where we went was so beautiful, and it just makes you want to live there!

The wedding it self was OK. I had fun, the kids had fun. But I am really looking forward to Heidi's wedding in the Dominican!! The count down is on!! Now that will be a wedding! Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for Brad and his new wife.

The trip up to Dauphin was uneventful, sort of. Jared was cursing about the trailer-hitch camper. Vowing that IF (I mean a big IF) we were to ever get a camper it would definetly be a fifth wheel. haha he was a little frustrated with towing it. Anyways the kids and the dog were really good on our 4 1/2 hour trip. And once we got there, the business never stopped, we were always running running!

Monday we came back to Sask. We were going to go camping in Kenosee, and then changed our minds and camped at KOA in Indian Head. It was really pretty, and I'm sure when more trees are fully grown in a couple years it will be even prettier.

We got home last night. And today was supposed to be my catch up on laundry day, however my husband took the laundry detergent to work in his truck. So that got kyde-washed. And now I work tomorrow, so hopefully I can finish it all on Saturday, b/c we leave for the football game first thing Sunday morning!

Our Trip in the Camper

We rented a camper from Carlyle RV for the week. It was SO nice to have. Dominic was so excited for it to have bunk beds, but then he was too chicken to sleep on the top (not that I minded, b/c I was kinda chicken he would fall off in the night too!)

Those cold nights, it was sure nice to have a camper versus a tent. We got to watch movies on my laptop and most importantly stay outta the rain!

Brad & Leanna August 23rd

Brad is a really good friend of Jared's. He was the best man in our wedding last year, and Jared was the best man this year in Brad's wedding. It was a good time. I enjoyed seeing Olana & Sarah & Amy..They've become my Dauphin girls...except that only Sarah actually lives in Dauphin.

This is a pic I edited, b/c I wanted to. I'm gonna start going back to my wedding pics and getting them edited and finally put on my walls. haha i'm such a procrastinator.

A Teaser of Our Trip.

I had full intentions of doing ALL of my blogging first thing this morning...but due to the fact that I forgot to recharge my battery on my camera last night...not all of my pics were uploaded. So here's a teaser...

I love this pic of Brad & Leanna, they both actually look stunning!
Jared was the best man for the wedding, and his speech rocked. You could tell he was totally nervous...but he did awesome!
The kids had some fun outside blowing bubbles as the couple came out. They didn't do a receiving line though. Oh well, the kids were happy to blow bubbles instead so I won't complain! haha

Stay tuned for more blogging/pics of our holiday!

Wednesday, August 20

Until Next Time

Well as promised, I have posted more pics. Now It is time to get busy and pack pack pack, seeing as I have procrastinated until tonight and we leave tomorrow morning!

I will be taking my laptop with us, but I doubt I'll be around anywhere that has wireless internet for me to have the chance to blog or upload pics.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Staff Golf & Bbq Nite

My work had a Summer BBQ Party, It was a blast, however I did terrible at taking pics. I brought out my camera once.. and only once. These are the pics I captured:

Big Bike BBQ

August 15th marked the day of the Big Bike for the Heart & Stroke Foundation, here in Oxbow. As part of oilwives, a few of the ladies volunteered to hold the BBQ. It was a success and we had a lot of fun.

John and Dominic had a blast catching grasshoppers!

To explain the one pic...I put it on to show what was GOING to happen, however I wasn't sure how the person would react to me putting the after pic on. In her defense, we all wanted to do it b/c it was just so hot...she just was the only one with enough balls to do it!

Oilwives starts up again on September 3rd, and I can't wait!

Spaghetti Bake

Last night I tried a new recipe, now my husband knows better than anyone that I am known for buying the ready made spaghetti sauce. Well I really didn't feel like going down to the store to buy I made some homemade sauce!!!

This is my recipe!!

1 lb of ground beef
1 large can of diced tomatoes
Mixture of seasonings : basil, oregano,garlic salt, sundried tomato, marinera spice, salt & pepper ( I used herbed sea salt, and lemon pepper)

Cook hamburger, combine ingredients and let simmer on medium heat for about 5 min.

Meanwhile you should have your spaghetti cooking (make sure to break it in half)
I just cooked a lot, so don't ask me how much ..haha

Grate about 1 cup of cheese. I think mine ended up being more like 1 3/4 cup of cheese but mmmm we love cheese.

Strain your spaghetti, add the spaghetti sauce mixture and toss.

Place in 9 X 13 pan, and sprinkle with the grated cheddar cheese. Bake for about 10 min at 340.

ENJOY, I know we sure did!

My lovelies!!!

My little lovelies and all their glory:

My lovelies!!!

My little lovelies and all their glory:

Tuesday, August 19

I will do it...

I will post some more before we take off on holidays. I have a few pics from our staff bbq that I want to share with you all. When we get back from holidays , expect blogging extreme. We are hoping to get our family photo's done while in Dauphin, hopefully I have a trim before then!! (yikes my hair is really getting bad).

There is so many things that I am looking forward to for this holiday...I know Dominic mostly is just excited for the bunkbeds in the camper.

What am I looking forward to?? Let's see
the photos!!
family time!!
Sarah's bday!!
Rider game on TV in MANITOBA (err I might get beat up!)
Rehearsal supper
The Wedding
The Gift Opening (or whatever those crazy Ukranians call it -- I mean no offense if you are ukrainian) But there is some special term that they have for it, that translates into one big party or something like that.
Swimming in Clear Lake (it'll be so nice to see my toes especially when Saskatchewan lake's are reporting blue-green algae which is dangerous !!)
Buying a new book , I just added that to my list..but I realy want a new book to be able to curl up and read while we are camping.
Seeing the kids Dance their little hearts away.

Last post I said how much I had to accomplish over the weekend. Ya well that hardly happened at all. The kids and I were all kinda sick this weekend so we did a lot of nothing. I did get my house mostly cleaned (conveniently I "forgot" to wash the floors!) I have packed so little that it hardly constitutes as packing. I do plan to accomplish a lot tonight, seeing as it's realy the only night I have left!

Tomorrow night I have my oilwives executive meeting. Kinda nervewracking b/c I have to take the minutes. EEK !!

In other exciting news, I got the kids into daycare in Carnduff! The lady I have babysitting right now was considering getting out of babysitting so she could do something else , so I thought well I'll just try the new daycare and see. And sure enough they had 2 spots!! So the kids will be starting there on September 2.

Once the kids are in bed tonight, I will post some more with pics!! Or at least I'll try.

Thursday, August 14


The kids and I have a busy weekend ahead of us, as we try to get everything in order to head out on our trip to Dauphin on Thurs Morn.

Let's see, what do we have to do (besides catch glimpses of the olympics--which we have all been fascinated with this year):

Clean the Bathroom, Wash the Sheets, Dust, sweep & wash floors...and then the packing: Pack suitcases, sleeping equipment for the beds, outfits for the wedding, groceries, toys, books, chairs, tarps, swimming equip, towels, oh man...How am I ever going to remember everything, and what am I forgetting?

The Riders have an away game next Thursday so I am hoping (seeing as Jared's parents have no tv and that's where we'll be the first night) that we can get into town in Dauphin and watch it at Jeff & Sarah's place!!

We will be coming back as far as Kenosee on Monday, where the kids and I will be camping for a couple of days (and Dad at nights). Which reminds me, we better bring Jared's rig clothes so as not to have to come back to Oxbow.

I am looking for some fun camping recipes, anybody have some easy yummy recipes? If so please leave a comment!!

What about fun camping activities? I really want to buy a bocce ball set. I absolutely love that game, and I got Dom into it as well. Paige well the poor girl can hardly lift the ball let alone throw it , next year , next year. Then both my kids will not only be RIDER fans, but Bocce ball fans too!! I knew i should have bought that bocce ball set last time I was in when will I have the chance to get it before Thursday morning. BAH!

I am so pumped to get away, and I know the kids are too!! I will try and post some more over the weekend!!

Monday, August 11

One Year

One year ago today, Jared and I were saying our vows to each other. I cannot believe that a year has gone by, it just goes to show how fast our lives go by.

I wanted to dedicate this post to my DH b/c he does so much for me and I love him with all my heart.

What I love about you, my DH:

Your smile when you see me walking towards you.
Your stinky rig smell, yes I have come to love it (but please don't stop showering haha).
The way you listen to me
The way you are such a great Dad to our kids.
How you are always my shoulder to cry on, if I need it.
How you support me.
The way we can laugh and talk about nothing really, just b/c.
That you provide for our family, I know I get upset about the long hours..but you make a big sacrifice by working those long hours and I know you do that for us.
I love that you are a Bomber's fan, b/c it gives me someone to pick on at the Labour Day Classic!!
I love the way you kiss me and hold me so affectionately.

Most of all, I just love you for being you.

And I have enjoyed every minute of this year of marriage and look forward to many more to come!!


Sunday, August 10

Just for My Mom.

My mom sent some hats with us for our camping trip, and we were supposed to get a group pic of us all wearing them. Well the group pic never did happen. But we did get people to wear them for a bit and I snuck in some pics!

More of our camping...

Oh the fun of camping. Playing in the sand, taking pictures when people aren't expecting it, putting a tarp out b/c it "might" start pouing (the rain lasted about 10 min and was hardly a "rain", hooking a chair to our tarp as a weight for the one side, colouring...we had a blast and we were only there for 2 nights. I can't wait to go camping for a week ...with a CAMPER!! It is coming so fast, I just know the kids are going to love it!