Wednesday, February 27

Sputter sputter cough cough

Well the deathly cough has returned. Just when you think you're over it, it's full force back..I swear these viruses that around right now are brutal!! My chest and back are incredibly sore from coughing so hard. And poor Paige is sick now too. She's cute though..she won't cough and won't cough and then sees me cough and does a little *cough* cough*. She likes to copy, that's for sure.

Jared and I were planning on taking the kids up to Dauphin this month, then Jared's buddies up there said nope the first weekend in April..Ok we didn't think much of it, sure sounds good! then all of a sudden WAIT , that's the weekend of the Amosah Benefit. I swear we are both sooo scatterbrained sometimes that it isn't even funny. So I guess we'll be going a different weekend.

We still have YET to buy our bedroom furniture. I just keep procrastinating, and thinking, is that FOR SURE what I want, I say "I" b/c Jared doesn't really care haha. BUT we are getting the kids new beds by the end of the month, and my parents are coming down at the end of March to help build a closet in their room. It's gonna be an intense L shaped closet with lots of shelves to hold books and toys too.

With that minor renovation, and my front yard project, plus painting my kitchen cupboards and sometime finishing the trim and the few touchups with the bathroom...we definetly will have a busy spring schedule. If anyone has any tips on landscape ideas for a small front yard I am definetly looking for some inspiration.

Back at a later date!

Thursday, February 21

One month later

Hello all!!
It's been one month since I officially became a fulltime worker! Life has definetly altered since then, but has been relatively good. We all got the flu and that was not fun. Mallory, Jared and I took turns running to the bathroom. It hit us all so suddenly, and it was confirmed that it was not food poisoning since that day we had all ate at different places. Dominic never really got the flu (knock on wood), so he was lucky! Poor Paige though had it for quite some time, it definetly wasn't the 24 hour flu for her!
Life sure is busy when you are working for 40 hours (and gone for more like 50 when you account for travel time) a week. I definetly appreciate the weekends off to get laundry done and get our house back in order.
Dominic is my real only problem in the mornings (getting ready to leave the house). I think it's just b/c I have to wake him up, he is a BEAR! Today was the worst he has ever been. He threw a tantrum b/c I told him to get dressed and he pushed over his kitchen set, then cried b/c his kitchen set was knocked over and then cried and screamed and wined b/c he was hungry..oh man. I definetly was thinking "do all mom's have this problem in the morning, or do I have a hellion kid?"
This weekend, Alvin and the chipmunks is playing in Carnduff and I think I may take the kids to see it, but we shall see b/c every time I decide to go...Carnduff up and cancels the movie!
This past weekend me and the kids went with my parents down to Minot. Jared joined us on Sunday, and then my parents left Sunday. The kids had such a riot playing in the pool, if you haven't already you should check out my videos on facebook. It was a nice trip and SOOO many sales, everybody getting the summer stock in I guess. We found a really nice roter tiller for 1/2 the price we found it up in Canada! That was so nice! I also got the kids each a Columbia winter jacket w/ ski pants for next year, they were on sale so cheap it was hard to resist!!
I am going in the Carnduff Bonspiel next weekend with the girls from work. I am looking forward to it, besides the fact that I have no clue on how to curl!! haha. Should be good for a good laugh if nothing else!
Anyways, that should be a long enough post to make up for my lack of posting lately!! You have to forgive me, if I have spare time, all I want to do is VEG!! but soon enough it will be yard time again!! This year's project is the FRONT YARD! WAHOO!!

Tuesday, February 5

Relay for Life

I have organized a team for Relay for Life. There is room for 10 people on the team. 2 of the 10 have already been filled. And a few more filling right away!! If you aren't already on a team, you should definetly consider joining our team!!!

Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the Cancer Society. All proceeds go to the Cancer Society.It takes place Friday June 6th at 7 pm and ends Saturday at 7 am. If anyone's interested in joining our team, let me know!! It is a really good time and all for such a great cause!

We still have to choose a team name, and do all the fun stuff involved such as making banners, chosing a theme, chosing "costumes". The sooner you join the team, the more you get to be involved in!!!

Friday, February 1

Shivering with a smile.

My 2nd week of fulltime work is behind me! And it's going so incredibly well. It's so nice to have a job that you don't dread going into. I am, however, really missing the kiddo's. At lunch I was sitting in subway and everyone had little kids and I just wished I was at home with mine. haha.
We are finally starting to get over this wretched cold. Mallory ended up catching it, Jared hasn't YET anyways.
Paige has an infatuation with Mallory's boyfriend, Chris. She says his name, and blushes and covers her mouth when he looks at her. It is so adorable.
Yesterday I had to go pick my Dad up from the airport in Minot. My sister, Chris and Sara came along for the ride. We made a quick stop at Walmart and headed to the Airport...good thing B/c the plane had already landed!!! But we got him back safe and sound. Two weeks until I go down to Minot again. The kids are going to have so much fun playing in the water park. I am really looking forward to it. We still have to wait and see if Jared will have the weekend off to come with us.
Anyways, not much else new around here, the kids are doing great. We lived through the cold snap, I just really hope there isn't another one b/c I HATED it. I am so ready for winter to be over.
I better go get some supper on.