Monday, October 29

Workin' Girl

My job is going so incredibly well, I only wish my sister's new job (being my babysitter) was going near as well. I think Dominic is mad at me for leaving, he's started peeing his pants or wherever he feels like it. Today while I was at work he had a #2 right on our kitchen floor!! I couldn't believe it! However, after a talk with me and another one with Daddy..I am hoping that situation turns around QUICKLY! But somethings he is doing better with Auntie Mallory than with me. For instance, he always cries when I drop him off at when Mallory dropped him off he just got a little sad but didn't cry! I am so proud of him! Little Paige seems to be adjusting just fine. Her , along with her brother, are very excited to see me when I get home from work..but she hasn't seemed to act out at all.
I am so excited about my job! It is going very well, and it's many things to learn and do and I just love that.

This week is such an eventful week ( I feel like I say that every week). But there is Halloween on Wed, I work Wed and Thurs. And then after work Thurs we are heading up to my mom's so that I can go to Regina bright and early to be with my dad for his surgery. So I will be there all day (my mom is keeping the munchkins for me) and probably into the evening. Then staying at my best friend , Heidi's for the night. Followed by the Rider game on Saturday (with hospital visits before and after). WOW

But yet, it doesn't stop week will be just as eventful, with Oilwives meeting on Wednesday and the Rider HOME playoff game on the 11th, so we will be out of town AGAIN.
I think almost all my blogs I say, oh in two weeks things are going to calm down and that will be nice..but it never seems to come haha.

A reminder, my epicure and tupperware orders will be going in , in just over two weeks (Nov 15th), if you want something (or a catalog) let me know!

I guess that's enough of a life update for now! I'm exhausted and going to bed.

Friday, October 26

No paddle...

So I've given up on posting pics on's so annoying. I managed to get two on today..Then it starts saying "error"

So anyways, thanksgiving weekend we went down to Minot and ate at this restaurant called "Up The Creek". It was ssoooo good.

For an appetizer we got mussels, however I was too chicken and didn't try them!

This was Jared's meal, a seafood trio. I can't remember what all kinds he got now though. Shrimp obviously and then ya 2 kinds of fish.
I got the shrimp and steak meal, however it won't let me upload that pic. It was amazing!!! So if you're ever down in Minot, do try out "Up the Creek"!

Featured Product #1

A lot of people don't really know what kind of spices Epicure carries, so I decided to start a thing called "featured products". So I am not promising how often I will get around to posting these, I will shoot for once a day with a minimum of once a week!

Today's Featured Product : EDIBLE BLOSSOMS!

Grown in Canada, Edible Blossoms are nature's finest. A vibrant combination of edible flowers picked at the peak of perfection. Edible Blossoms are hand separated with care and blended to Epicures specifications. A pretty and delicious addition to your pantry.

Tips on using Edible Blossoms:
-Decorate iced or glazed cakes, cupcakes and lemon loaves with a light sprinkling of Edible Blossoms

-Fold into batter for chiffon and angel food cakes

-Stir into butter or cream cheese to create a spread for muffins,biscuits,pancakes or waffles.

-Sprinkle Edible Blossoms on salds or whisk into salad dressing.

So many possibilities with these!! And not only that, who else is going to have cupcakes with mini, edible flowers on them!!!

Send me a message, or email me at to get your hands on a wonderful catalog.

Saturday, October 20


Last night I started working weekend nights at The Bow Manor, just for some extra cash to help us out with all the trips we have to go on in the next year.

Now as you may remember, I had an interview with C & N Oilfield Maintenance almost 2 weeks ago now. They said they would get back to me by the 19th (yesterday). I didn't hear anything, so assumed I didn't get it..well as luck would have it at 9:48 this morning they called and I got the job!!!!!!!!!!! One person has told me they may be hard to work for...but it's just temporary (a Mat leave position), and it gives me office experience!! I am very excited. Now I just need a vehicle that isn't so hard on gas haha!!

Tuesday is my first day there, and then I will still be working weekend nights at the Bow. My kids are going to have to experience life without ma-ma. It saddens me a little, but at the same time, it very much excites me..I like being in the workforce and contributing...but I do the house will suffer from my absence???

Wish me luck, it's been over 2 years since I've been in the workforce!!

Friday, October 19

no pics

Blogger will not allow me to post pictures today. So I guess this is a non-picture post, therefore I will just give a quick recap.

On Thanksgiving weekend, Jared ended up getting the weekend off and on the Sunday we went down to Minot for the night. The kids had so much fun playing in the pool. We ate at this restaurant Sunday night called "Up the Creek". It was really really amazing. It is a steak and seafood kind of place, and noone in our group had ate there before. Jared wanted to be adventorous and try mussels for our appetizer, I didn't try any, I wasn't feeling as adventerous as him. I had the steak and shrimp combo, it was my first time eating shrimp and I loved it. Jared had the seafood trio or something. It had salmon, and 2 other seafoods, but I can't remember what.

Last weekend, Jared had a booked weekend off so we went up to Dauphin ( I know TWO weekends in a row!!! I was pumped). Jared's parents live on a farm, and they have pigs and cows and horses..and let's just say Dominic LOVES it, and Paige is starting to! We got some really cute photos while we were there.

This weekend is just as busy. The kids and I are going up to Indian Head tomorrow, and I am going to the football game on Sunday.

I take my jeep in next week for warranty work. Yipee. Dominic gets to dress up for Story hour next thursday he's pretty excited about that.

Other than that, our only exciting news is we are going to VEGAS!! We are actually there for 5 days, but we're gone from the kids for 7 days!!! I don't think I've ever been away from them for that long. That will be hard, but I am sure we will thoroughly enjoy ourselves. We are flying out of Bismark, ND straight to Las Vegas..and I just can't get over how dirt cheap it is!!

So we have a busy next year of trips to save up for. We still have our honeymoon to go on at the end of March. Then next Christmas is Heidi's wedding in Jamaica! At least they are all spread out.

Well I better get to tidying up before I leave. I can't stand leaving somewhere, and coming home to a messy house.

Monday, October 15

Order time

As many of you know, I am an Epicure consultant as well as a Tupperware consultant. Christmas is around the corner, and both these companies have great gift ideas. Click on the links to take a look at some things they offer.

I am going to be putting an order in on November 15th for both Epicure and Tupperware. If anyone requires a new winter catalog, or would like to place an order (or host a party) feel free to contact me at I will send your order directly to you, so if you are far away don't worry about not being near me to pick it up.

Any questions you may have, please feel free to email me at the above email address. The only stupid question, is the one you don't ask. Lifetime warranty, having a "silent" party, obtaining free product..If you want to know more just ask!

Tuesday, October 9

Happy Thanksgiving!

We travelled down to Minot sunday morning with the kids, and Jared's brother and his girlfriend, my two sisters Amber and Mallory, and Mallory's friend Chris. It was a lot of fun, I got both the winter jackets I wanted for the kids (for cheaper than they originally were) AND got the exact halloween costume that I wanted for Dominic (at 40% off!! sometimes waiting has benefits!), and I did all this within the first hour of stepping foot into the mall!! I am so pleased with myself!

I got a new lens for my camera. For anyone that is familiar with, it is a 70-300 mm, which ,for those of you who aren't familiar, just means it zooms quite the distance! I also got a camera bag and tripod. I'm set!! ...for a little while anyways haha.

Last night we headed out to my gramma's farm for a nice thanksgiving supper, it was so splendid! The kids were just excited to be out at "ma-ma's" farm.

This morning I got a phone call from a job I applied at a few weeks ago. It's with C & N Oilfield Maintenance, an office job! I'm pretty stoked to have finally got an interview somewhere, not even thinking about if I get the job!

But I suppose I should get myself cleaned up and proffesionalized!! (which may be tough after being mom-alized for over a year here at home!) I have so many emotions running through me right now, anxious, scared, nervous, excited, sad (leaving the kids)..but I guess that's getting ahead of myself..we shall see how the interview goes and go from there.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!! We have a few short days at home, and are off to Dauphin on Friday for the weekend! Always run run run!

Friday, October 5

To do it ...or not to do it...

We've decided to stick close to home for Thanksgiving, and for once not be on the run when Jared has days off. It will be nice (I am hoping we will finally get a bathroom door). Tonight, after I just said we didn't want to be on the run, I think the plan is to head down to Minot for the night. Mostly just to relax, no obligations..however I do need to get the kids new winter coats and seen some really cute Columbia ones (that was a month ago so I'm hoping they still have them!) And I really really need to find a costume for Dominic. I am not near creative enough to sew one, not to mention the fact that I don't have a sewing machine.

What a dreadful day it is outside today! Just makes me want to say BLAH! I, do think I will bake some cookies and a pie today though..maybe that will make me feel better.

I haven't been doing very well at taking pictures this week to put up here on the blog. We had some on the other camera of the Rider game, but that camera's batteries died and we haven't gotten around to recharging them yet.

Yesterday Dominic and I raked up our leaves and put our pumpkin bags in the front of the house--getting ready for Halloween. He enjoyed it so much, the smile on his face put a smile on my face (even though the job was a lot harder for me than for him as I sat there sweating! haha, worth every moment!)

Maybe I should start scrapbooking, or actually get some thank-you cards out (from the gifts for the wedding). I do have quite a lot I COULD do today, but the question is: do I have the motivation to start any of it?

Monday, October 1

A sad day in Glen Ewen history.

I am just basing this on what others have told me...but apparently "someone" soaked two straw bales in gasoline or whatever, set them in front of the front door, and lit them on fire. What is this world coming to? Who would do such a thing? Well I'm pretty sure some of us have a good guess, but to think this person would actually do oh man.

I feel terrible for Karolyn, the owner. She was upstairs sleeping (two people were) when this happened. We can thank the good lord that they are both ok! That is what really matters!

Finally a Rest!

I am glad to be at home, at least for a bit. Jared is not sure if he will get next weekend off or not. I have not bought a turkey or anything, assuming that (it being a long weekend and all) he would indeed get it off and we would be heading up to the in-laws. Who knows now.

I cannot believe today is October 1st! OCTOBER??!!! Wow time is just flying. Paige is full fledged walking now, actually she almost s tarted out running. It came so quick I am just shocked. It is so cute to hear two sets of feet pitter pattering across the floor now though. Melts my heart. Her and Dominic are starting to play together better and better every day.

May I say that Desperate Housewives last night was AWESOME!! As was brothers and sisters. I am such a TV junkie in the evenings, I can't help it!

Yesterday , my mom and stepdad passed through on their way back home from Minot. Had a nice visit with them. Also yesterday morning, some jerk (I won't say names, but if anyone knows the story, they know who did it) soaked two straw bales, set them in front of the glen ewen bar door and set them on fire! Two people were upstairs sleeping, thankfully are alive and fine. I am going to go for a drive and take some pics this morning.. It's sad b/c that bar was about all that Glen Ewen had, and they had really good wings!!! I feel terribly for Karolyn. I wish I had taken pics of it before, b/c it will be missed!!!

The Rider game on Saturday was a GREAT game! I took Mallory with me (b/c of course Jared couldn't use his ticket, b/c he couldn't get it off work), and we ended up taking both the kids too. They were very good and we enjoyed ourselves.

Before we left the city on Sat, I stopped to pick up a shelf thing for over our toilet, and here it was missing pieces, so now I have to return it and ya..I'm not to happy about it.