Monday, May 28

Weekend away

We arrived in Saskatoon at about 8 pm Friday night. The kids basically went straight to bed, while mom, gramma and me visited for a bit.

Saturday morning I had to take my mom to a seminar, and then made plans to do some shopping with my cousin Pam. I bought all my jewelry and underwear, and my shoes for the wedding.

It was then decided, me and the kids along with my grandparents would head over to the zoo. Dominic loved it, he was just running and running saying 'more ammimals'. If we got a few steps ahead of him it was

"wait up guys". Paige fell asleep after about 15 minutes
at the zoo. But I did capture one picture of her awake!
The one beside it is Dom checking out the white tiger!
After the trip to the zoo, we picked up my mom and headed to my Uncle Mark and Aunt Yvette's to see their new baby, Marcel. He is so little. Although Paige was smaller than that at birth, I still find it hard to believe they were that small. SSOO cute he was.

My mom holding Marcel and then me holding Marcel.
We had a bbq at their house and had a fun time until Dominic decided to throw a tantrum and kick Paige over. That ended our evening and we got taken back to my grandparents so I could put the bears to bed!
I then started getting ready to go out for my cousin Pam's stagette. She is getting married June 16th.
Below is a picture I took at the zoo..I love it!

My grandparents and Paige at the zoo. We all had such a blast, it was humorous watchin' Dom get so excited. The week after our wedding, we are taking the kids (me and Jared) down to Minot for a week. We will get to go to the zoo there, and do some other fun family activites before we come back to attend our friends wedding in Wolsely.

My cousin Melissa and me at OverDrive. I have only been at overdrive once before with my friend Courtney, YEARS ago. I had a lot of fun.

I had to stick this picture of the goats in here. They had 3 little baby goats and they were SSSOOO adorable. I could have taken one home.

Ok this is the group of us at Overdrive..I will do my best to remember everyone's name..

Pam (bride to be) with her blowup doll, Morgan, Amy, Aunt Wanda, Steph, Iris, Melissa, me, and ..I don't know the last girl's name..

Complements of OverDrive, we got a bottle of champagne, with a sparkler in it.. I should've attached the other pic of Pam actually drinking the champagne. it was NASTY, but everyone had a glass anyways.

Pam was all dolled up for the occasion, with a tiara and veil, a shirt with "condoms for $1", a blow up doll, a penis cup, penis straws for all of us, slippers with penis's on them. The best was the penis shot off the end of the penis, made for some rather comical times!

My gramma holding Paige, and Dominic posing..sorry that this blog is all over the place...I tried haha

We stopped in Regina on our way home. My stepdad, Darrell is a big part of kungfu, all of my family was at one point..but he still is. He is in the orange lion in the above pics..doing the lion dance. I love the kung fu group and all the fun things they do. I wish I would've still been in Regina when everyone started going. You can expect something "kungfu" at our wedding. Just another little surprise. tee hee

Friday, May 25


Me and the kids are on our way to Saskatoon. We came to my parents house, in Indian Head, last night.

I really wish I had some pics to upload. I could if I wanted ..but for 2 reasons I'm not going to. My camera is upstairs, and this computer is kinda slow.

I started the advanced workout at Curves on Wednesday. It is so intense and I love it! My muscles actually felt worked the next day! I still love going there and recommend it to everyone. Even if you don't want to lose weight, it's awesome to get back into shape and raise your energy level. This past bit has been a test b/c with the other girls not really coming, I have to motivate myself..AND I HAVE!

Saskatoon should be a good time this weekend. We're not going to get there until about 8 or so tonight..but we are staying in a hotel tonight. Then tomorrow night we will be staying at my gramma's (i think).

OH I almost forgot!! I picked out my flowers for the wedding, they are gonna be beautiful!!!! But you have to wait and see!!!
I will post pics of my cousin's stagette, my little shower, and my Uncle Mark's baby! Not til sunday though..noone there has internet! have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 22


I am hosting a tupperware party at my house on Wednesday at 7 pm. We will get to check out a bunch of tupperware product, and EAT EAT EAT!! I will have lots of appetizers made up and it will be just a grand ol' time!

Yesterday we got a babysitter for Paige (b/c it was so ICKY outside) and took Dom fishing. We met up with Les, Marisa, Tyson and Amariah. Barrett came out later. It was fun, but would have been more fun if it wasn't so cold. I have no proper rain attire, so was drenched and freezing. ahha we came to the conclusion that the next trip down to Minot, I need to step into Scheels and buy some raingear!

Today I am getting all my tupperware and epicure stuff organized. Getting ready to make some orders. Right now everything is just thrown about, and it is bugging me.

I wish I could upload some pictures from yesterday, but my camera got left in the truck. So at a later time, I guess.

Thursday I head up to my mom's, and Friday we head to Saskatoon for the weekend. I am looking forward to getting some jewelry and shoes for the wedding. I also will be hitting up Michael's and purchasing some scrapbook items. I am going to use some inspiration from a couple blogs I've checked out lately to make a few more invites for our wedding. With the wedding, there is a lot of people that I would like to come to the ceremony and I need to make some invites for them.

Just wanted to add that it's getting down to the wire to book your Epicure party. You have until June 10th to have a party (I have to place the order by June 10th , so before that), and receive an additional item at 50% off. That's on top of all the product you will get for free just for having a successful party.

Well I am off to accomplish things!

Sunday, May 20

Pride and Joy

Most times, these two are the only things that keep me sane. The odd time I think they are the only things that make me INSANE, but who's counting.

It's funny how different two children can be, Dominic has ALWAYS been so photogenic, and Paige NEVER really has.
We are all heading up to Saskatoon next weekend (except Jared of course, he has work). We're going up with my mom on Friday later afternoon.

My gramma is throwing a "shower" for me while I'm there. It's not , however, my 'official' shower...I am pretty sure it will be held in Oxbow. Regardless it shall be fun.

Today we are heading off to Pierson to visit with Jared's family. Dominic loves going there because there is 2 dogs, anywhere there is dogs he is sure to enjoy himself!

Most of you have probably heard me ranting about there is less than 3 months until my wedding and I still had to get flowers and a cake organized. Well I am happy to say that I now have some great ideas for flowers, and have to take them to the florist and get prices, and have found someone to make my cake!! YAY!

I love blogging, can anyone tell? it's like my own personal diary....that everyone can read haha, so I guess it's not very "personal" persay.

I also updated our wedding website, so go check it out, and sign the guestbook PLEASE!

Thursday, May 17


Sadness has been a major part of my life for the past week. The funeral was yesterday, and we got through it. I am glad we have closure now. Crying so much this past while has definetly exhausted me. I'm emotionally drained!

Here is a picture of my Grampa and Gramma at their 50th. This was before Grampa got sick.

He will definetly not be forgotten.

Really, not much else has been happening in our household...trying to get organized and get selling my epicure spices. This past week, that hasn't been happening much. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Wedding plans are coming along. I think I may have found someone to do our cake for us, but we haven't talked prices yet so I will have to see. Wedding bands are going to be bought by the end of the month. And I'll hopefully get into Estevan to choose what flowers I will go with, and what the price will be. So much planning, it gets stressful! haha.

For mother's day I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers..Just beautiful, unfortunately it won't let me upload any more pics, so I can't add that to this blog.

Sorry fellow readers, for my boring blogs..I must go lie down now..I will try to publish a more exciting one l8r today

Monday, May 14


Not a lot going on in our muffy family. Still trying to absorb my grampa passing. Although it was expected, it is just so hard. I have never lost someone this close to me before and it really is a hard emotional time.

Road bans finally caught up with us too. I hate being so broke, especially when we are trying to plan things for the wedding. At least things are steady now, and I will probably be back to work in the near future..but then again who knows.

My siblings have been here since Friday, it was originally to Celebrate Dom's 3rd birthday. We still had a little thing out at my gramma's farm. I made cupcakes and we sang happy birthday. However I had all this party stuff bought so I am going to have to go hand out goodie bags!

Things couldn't get organized fast enough for my Grampa, so his funeral will be on Wednesday. I think tomorrow night will be the viewing. Which I really want to see him and say goodbye..even though "he" persay isn't there anymore.

I have been baking and cooking up a storm since Friday, my way of keeping my mind off of things. We painted my garage Saturday and Sunday. It looks SO great!! Thanks everyone! It was about time, since we bought the paint LAST summer to do it!

Saturday night we had a bonfire, once me and my siblings got back from the farm. There were soooo many people here. well not really. Me, Jared and my siblings, Bubba and Denise and Jeremy (Jared's brother) and 3 of his buddies. Then Nick and Trina Mayer (who now live in the gorgeous house behind us) came over with a liquor shaker and the whole nine yards, it was quite the gathering. Around 1 we all headed to the bar, where I found out people heard our "party". Little embarassing. My dad (who stayed at the bonfire for awhile too), came by the next morning and saying people over on Oxbow Crescent heard us..which isn't THAT far, but WHOOPS! haha.

The kids have been great all weekend. Ok well maybe a little crabby, but I've been an emotional mess, so considering that they've been great.

Paige is finally starting to amuse herself. Although still very much a mommy suck. Dominic has enjoyed the nice days outside where he can play with some of his new summer toys he got for his bday!

Dominic got RIDER gear..hahaha my brother bought him a hat, and complete outfit. For anyone that doesn't know...Jared is from Manitoba, therefore a hardcore Bluebombers a hardcore Riders fan. And this year we got season tickets to the RIDERS (an AWESOME christmas present from my dad).

Well I think that about raps up our last couple days in the Muffy household! Spending a lot of time out at the farm (my gramma's).

Anyways, thanks for all your kind thoughts and comments. Marcy thanks so much for the ecard and phone calls (even though I missed them). Marisa thank you so much for the baking and card. And again to everyone that is thinking of us, and have left me comments on facebook. You all mean so much to me and I thank you for thinking of us!

Friday, May 11


My Grampa took his last breath at 2 am this morning. He had been sick for over a year. His organs were failing him. He was on dialysis for his kidneys. He was constantly having shaky spells, and was suffering for along time.

Grampa meant the world to me, to my family, to my kids. He always welcomed us with open arms. He needed a haircut, and I didn't give him it. He always talked about my kids, and I should have taken them to visit him more often... he knows I love him and that's what matters now.

Grampa and me shared a birthday...We were "the twins, 46 years apart". I always loved going out to visit Grampa and Gramma on my summer breaks.

One thing I said to Grampa when I was just a toddler that has stuck with everyone was "don't be so douchy old man"...It sure put a smile on his face, and he wasn't "douchy" anymore!

This May 11th, will be hard one. I am guessing though that the next few days may be harder.

Thursday, May 10


Ok first off, I will still be selling Tupperware.. but I am devoting most of my selling now to Epicure Selections. It's spices and cookware. And if you haven't heard of it, then where the hell have you been?? Everyone's heard of it! 80% of the merchandise is under $15. There is no additives, or preservatives thus it's WAY better for you!

When you go to the grocery store, do you notice how much you spend on spices? They aren't cheap, plus if you look at the ingredients...ya not good. I looked through my cupboard and was shocked at how many had additives and crap that you can't pronounce.

Plus if you buy spices through me, you're going to get discounted and free items!! What's better than that???

Here are the ways you can order stuff:

--request a catalogue and simply order things, there are no perks to this though.
--have a "silent party", where I just give you order forms and catalogues and you get orders from your friends and family. Which qualifies you for discounted items!
--have a "taste testing party", You host it at your place, invite as MANY peeps as you can!!! The more people you invite, the more discounted stuff you'll receive! You can even get orders from people that can't make it! I will bring all sorts of dips and such to taste test, and some different spices to smell and observe. All you have to do, is provide crackers and tostitos.

I am SO excited to be able to sell this. I have been a huge fan of these spices for a long time, and now I will make all of you huge fans. Believe me, you attend one party, or host one party..or just try one spice/'ll be hooked.

Monday, May 7


What an AMAZING weekend I had!! It started off Friday morning, me and the kids packed up and were on the road to my mom's by 9:30. We stopped briefly at my mom's (more or less just to pick her up), and headed into Regina for some shopping. I bought a new camera! A Canon Rebel Xti! I am so excited to use it with the kids!

After shopping, my mom and the kids went for a walk in the park (and even got a tour of a fire truck!) and I headed in to En Vogue to get my massage. I thought I was getting a manicure , but it turned out I wasn't. However, what I thought was just a back massage turned out to be a full body massage. It was TO DIE FOR! And Honestly, I have to thank my friend Erika for inspiring me to "pamper myself" more! I loved it and definetly will be going back again!

After that we headed back to Indian Head and me and my mom got to go on a date, while my stepbrother stayed with the munchkins. We went to the movie "Wild Hogs" and it was terrific.
Saturday morning, Dom had me up at 5:30!! ARGGHH! So him and I got up, and I started getting ready to go to my cousin, Tara's wedding. I picked Mallory up at 9:30, and we headed into Regina to get Amber. (for those that don't know, those are my sisters). We headed to Moose Jaw to our Hotel (prarie oasis). Well upon getting there (at 1245), they informed us that we could not check in until FOUR!!!! The wedding was at THREE! and I still had to do Amber and Mallory's hair. Luckily, Darrell (our stepdad)'s brother and his wife live in Moose Jaw..So we headed over there to do our hair!
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I will add some pics to this blog. It was a fantastic wedding, and gave me lots of insight on what I still need to do for mine. haha.

Wednesday, May 2


I wanted to edit this post and provide some extra, more in depth info..

So I am now a Tupperware consultant. Meaning you can book tupperware parties with me, or just place an order with me. Your best bet is to attend a party, or host a party. By hosting a party you receive FREE tupperware as well as discounted tupperware! It doesn't cost you anything to host a party, you just invite however many people you want, perhaps make some snacks and drinks..and enjoy learning about tupperware!

I chose to become a tupperware consultant for a few reasons.. I really wanted to invest in some of the high quality merchandise but save money at the same time!! And it's nice because I can do as many or as little parties as I want. So I can be home with my munchkins and still bring a bit of extra coinage to the household income! If you are interested in selling tupperware, just let me know, and I can set you up! It's SSOO fun, and what's better than having an organized kitchen at a much cheaper price!

I am definetly looking forward to doing this. I am first going to host a party at my house, and if you can make it GREAT, if not you can book a party for a date that works for you..or just place an order with me! There will lots of scrumscious snacks and so on! I will be bugging most of you to come, or if you want to make it easier, you can just comment me and say you'll come..ahaha


I am very bad for giving myself credit for what I accomplish in my life. Raising my 2 kids is definetly rewarding and I love every minute of it. Sometimes I think I should be getting back in the workforce, and I am going to. But just b/c I am not in the workforce does not mean that I am not just as accomplished by staying at home.

So today, I am going to give myself some credit..and I am going to start to do this once a month for the whole year. Seeing as 4 months have passed, I am going to stated what I have accomplished for the past 4 months..but normally it will be for just the month prior. Here goes.....

--joined curves and got on the top ten losers list! (#7)
--painted all of my window sills and ordered new faux wood blinds.
-- planted seeds to start my garden with
--started setting up my pond
-- got a good start in the backyard landscaping
-- stained my little patio
--with Jared's help, painted and put up new doors and trim(still not finished)
--handled Paige's pneumonia with absolute grace. I definetly believe, kids learn to be troopers when they are sick by the example you set for them.
--kept up (most of the time) with the laundry
--decided to be a better friend to all my friends
--got our new whirlpool tub, although not installed, I feel accomplished that we have it!
--organized my computer desk
--sent out wedding invitations
--organized a bunch of other wedding stuff (caterer, dj, etc)
--Subscribed to Canadian Gardening and Today's Parent magazines! And yes I am VERY proud of this, I love being inspired in gardening and parenting by other people's stories.
--Got information about becoming a Tupperware consultant , as well as an Epicure Selections consultant.
--Celebrated Dom's THIRD birthday party and Jared's 24th!
--colored both my sister's hair, and they looked mighty fine!
--applied at a couple salons
--cleaned my basement
--organized all the decorations and centerpieces for the wedding
--apologized to someone that I definetly needed to.

See, 4 mths is WAY too long to catch up on.. It will be better with one month.. b/c I could keep going and going, it feels good to state what I feel that I've accomplished.

Well Kylen is here to play for a bit, so I better go..The tupperware lady is going to be here around 10 to introduce me to everything! Exciting!

Tuesday, May 1

I love my friends.

I just wanted to dedicate a post to how much I love each and every one of you! Here are some specific traits that make me cherish you as my friend!

1. You are my friend unconditionally.
2. You are there for me in bad times, but also in good times.
3. You are my friend all the time, not just when it is convenient.
4. You cherish ME as a friend of yours.
5. You don't make me choose, between my kids, my fiancee or anybody else and you. You're just my friend.
6.You make me laugh, cry, and think.
7.You like to hear my "stories"
8.You will sit and watch movies, and eat junk, and put on mud masks, and gossip all night with me! (just like the good ol' days)
9.You love me for me, not who you think I should be.
10. You stick up for me, even though it puts you in a tough situation.

I am proud to say that all of my friends fit into these categories!! I am so glad to call you ALL my friends.

Friends need to be there for each other, no matter how many miles or hours life has put between us.
A lot of time has passed since these pictures, time passes quickly...too quickly