Friday, October 31


Halloween was a bit of a disaster at our house. Paige's costume got lost, after blaming the kids and making quite a fuss out of not finding Paige's OH-SO-CUTE Costume, I finally jsut put her in Dom's costume from a couple years back. I conveniently did not take any pics of this..In fact, you fellow bloggers, are quite lucky that I am admitting to this....b/c how would you know? We did not come to your house.. haha

ANYWAYS, I ended up finding Paige's costume (a day too late)..and it definetly was NOT the kid's fault. I totally set blankets on top of the costume, which hid it completely. Yes, I know, how nice of me to first blame the kids.

Oh well, here's the kids in their super cute costumes. Dominic the Dragon and Paige the Kitty.

Thursday, October 30

Play Time

For the most part our two kiddos get along very well!! I got to snap a few pics of them playing. A couple during bathtime...Paige adoringly looking at Dominic (too cute).

Movie Night

We have started making Friday nights our Movie Nights. The kids really enjoy it b/c the get to stay up later than usual!

So last Friday, after bath time, we sat down to watch our movie!! The kids were overjoyed (and perhaps a little annoyed that I had to take PICS first haha)!

Wednesday, October 29

More Photo Shoot

Here's my little princess...She loves to do everything her big brother does, she's going to end up being a tom boy I can see it already.

I have a hard time of capturing her cuteness for every 100 pics I take, I get a few good ones.

These are pretty cute.

Photo Shoot

Just sittin' at home makin' my kids pose. And now I have PICS!! YAY for PICS!!

Paint 'Em Up!!

The kids were having fun pretending to face paint Daddy, then he told them that if they asked Mommy nicely to get the paint down that he would let them paint his face for real.

This was the end result:

Too cute, and Too funny!


BRRR!!! It was cold end to our season tickets for the Riders. As the weather turns cold, the "getups" start to look a little different. While I didn't get any pics of the CRAZY outfits some people were in the cold weather, I did get some pics of us ...dressed more than appropriately for the weather! Note Chris, dressed SO appropriately for the weather that he looks more like a BC Lions fan than a Sask Riders fan!

This was Sara's first football game, and she had a blast!

My latest obsession..

I have lately been obsessed with this:

I love searching for deals and stuff that I just can't get here at home.

Funny thing is, I received a couple packages yesterday. My hubby sees them and is like where is this from..I said E-bay. And I think to myself "uh oh here we go, i'm in trouble" but no he simply says "I need to start looking on e-bay for fishing and hunting stuff", and heads to the computer and starts searching.



Well I am over my little pity trip. And am feeling more up to blogging. What a BUSY Weekend we had.

Tell me , does your blood pressure raise just THINKING about doing all of this:

Drive 2 1/2 hours to Regina for the football game, with a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. Go to Mcd's when we get there, drop the kids off with my stepdad. Head to the Rider game, Watch the 3 hour football game, drive 45 min to Indian Head.

Wake up the next morning, get kids ready and drive 45 min back to Regina for church. Take 2 very hyper kids out for lunch, visit a CLAUSTROPHOBIC costco and drive the 45 min back to Indian Head.

Monday morning, drive 45 min into Regina. Leave my friend Sara with the kids while I visit the neurologist (don't want to talk about THAT today), do some quick shopping at The Children's Place and The Gap (the 2 stores that I love that Minot doesn't have), drive to Toys' R Us (the kids and I waited in the car while Sara went in, I wasn't ABOUT to deal with 2 kids in that store), drive to value village, then walmart and then drive 2 1/2 hours home.

We were constantly on the go the whole weekend. The kids had a blast though, they love Sunday school, they love visiting Mama & Papa and they LOVE McD's haha so for them, it was a pretty awesome weekend.

I am now working my last work week!! Yipee!! Coffee dates resume NEXT week.

Halloween, this Friday, already???!!! WOW. The kids are excited to dress up , or maybe they're just excited for the candy. hmmmm....

It sould be a nice weekend, not doing a whole lot of anything besides cleaning. I had a friend tell me that once I'm not working I'm going to have the cleanest house in town. haha, If I lived by myself this would most definetly be the case. Have I ever told you about my husband? I think I have. I won't go there then, I will just say it WOULD be spotless if it were just me!

I will get busy and post some photo blogs tonight.

Monday, October 27


After a weekend away, that was BUSY BUSY....a trip to the Neurologist that provided NO answers (and a lot of tears)....


so bare with me! today is my pity day and I am sure I will feel up to it again tom. I have I still have 8 posts to do to fill up the month of October!!

Thursday, October 23


She's a Rockstar BABY!!!

My stars.

Dom has always been the type to be RIGHT in the spotlight of the camera. Finally Paige is starting to get that.


This post, I can tell, is going to come across totally wrong.

My son is not some violent kid, that gets glory off hurting others. He just knows that hunting provides yummy wild meat. Haha , at least him and Daddy can think it's yummy.

But this is a mini photo shoot of him and "pfff psssh pssh" (gun shooting noises)

Relay WHAT??

After doing the Relay for Life back in June, I swore it was the last time I would ever do it. Now...I am not sure where it will be located this year (as it rotates between the next couple local towns.)

Now , like I said above, I NEVER wanted to walk in the relay again. I know it's for a good cause, and I'm not trying to say that I never wanted to support cancer research. I guess, if I would've been more organized it would've been a better experience for everyone. And if 3 people wouldn't have backed out last minute it would've been even better.

But the months have passed, I think MAYBE I would consider doing it again. If i could get a team of like 15. That way if people backed out (or SLEPT as some teams did), we'd still have lots to walk. I know as time goes on you forget the anguish you go through. But truth be told Relay for Life is going to people that have cancer. They may be tired, they may be irritated, they may not ever have a family of their own, and they deal with that EVERY day of their life..Not just a 12 hour relay.

And that is what makes me want to continue. I guess time will see what transpires there. Either I will make another team, or I will be a volunteer. But I do think it is important to be a part of the cause.

This is probably the most random post I have had in awhile....But ya know, that's how I roll.


I sit here today with lots on my mind. Me coming to work was a big adjustment for our whole family. The kids had to adjust to being taken care of by someone else. Jared had to adjust to me being worn out, and having a schedule that we couldn't just pick up and leave whenever we wanted. I had to adjust b/c I was used to being at home, being with my kids, being lazy as often as I wanted, being able to get groceries any day of the week that I wanted, being able to do laundry whenever, and cook a big meal any day of the week. Our house had to adjust b/c it got neglected SO much.

And now we all have adjust BACK to me being at home. I don't want to be lazy, and never accomplish anything in a day. I want to take my kids to the library, go for coffee, keep a clean house, scrapbook, take pics.. Do all the things I didn't have time to do while I was working.

I am trying to get into selling my Epicure and Tupperware more seriously, so as to bring in a little extra cash that way. And who knows maybe I will get some clients with my photography once I finish my course. I want to be able to keep a house up, and be able to take my kids to activities as they get older...without being totally worn out from working a 40 hr work week on top of that.

Not only do I want to enjoy these precious moments with my kids. I need to wait to go back to work for more than just that reason. I need to get my health issues under control. I am going to the neurologist on Monday, which will hopefully get the ball rolling on that.

Ya know what else I want to do? BAKE and BAKE and BAKE. I am a pretty good cook, I don't get intimidated by it as much..But when it comes to baking I really need my practice. I am excited to get a bread machine for Xmas (and YES I will get one...or Jared will be in some world of trouble), I want to enjoy homemade bread and buns year round.. mmmm mmmm.

So even though there will be an adjustment period for me being back at home, I am going to try to accomplish many things, and have my kids love being at home, before they enter the big world of school..Which Dom will NEXT year already!

This Weekend is the Rider game. The last regular season game for the 2008 season.

Tuesday, October 21

Decorating Time

On The weekend I had a couple girl friends over for a Party Lite party. We had such a blast.

Before they arrived I decided to take one of the ideas I got from a magazine LAST year and finally put it to use.

So I went to the backyard, collected some fallen down branches. Next I spray painted them black. Then I just used a glass vase I already had in the house. They turned out super cool and I was very happy with the eerie effect!!

Happy Faces....

Or...not so much.

My little cutie patootie's. Enjoying one of the last nice days until Spring 2009.


While driving down a LOVELY Saskatchewan highway, I met a semi and his tires kicked up , not a pebble, not a stone, not a rock but a BOULDER and it flew straight at my windshield......

THIS was the end result:

EEEKK!!! I had shattered glass in my BACK seat. Luckily the boulder did not come right through. Now it's just a matter of, when am I ever going to get this car in to get a new windshield.

Christmas Shopping!!

These are the specials I am offering this month with Epicure.

Friday, October 17

Two weeks.....

until I am finished at my job. I am having mix feelings about it, parts of me are so excited to be able to stay at home with the kids..and parts of me are going to miss the bit of freedom having a job gives me! Nonetheless it is going to happen.

I worked out on my wiifit Tues and Wed. Thursday I honestly thought I was going to die. To tell the truth I was in pain Wed no wonder Thursday was AGONY. So yesterday's workout got kyde-washed (however you spell that slang term) It really has felt good to be working out again. I have a lot of work to do on my tummy. And truth be told even if it looks like crap, I'm still wearing a bikini in the Dominican. As if I care.

Tomorrow is my party lite party!! I hope I have an alright turn out. I like having the girls over, it just never happens.

I have some MAJOR house cleaning to do before peeps come over though. How is it possible that a house can get in such disarray from one week to the next. It is a constant on going battle, that I always lose. If that makes any sense whatsoever.

After work today, the kids and I are going to rent a movie and have a movie night tonight.

I bought the kids their winter boots for this year. Columbia boots, and they just LOVE them. Even though today is supposed to be nice, there was no way they were leaving the house without their boots. Too cute.

Last night, Dominic was sitting on the couch with me and he says Mom I want to get my jammies on, I'm tired. And I said we will in a bit sweety (it was only 7, I was trying to keep them up for a LITTLE while longer). Not even 5 min later I look over and he's conked RIGHT out on the couch.

I am missing my first Rider game this year. I am just worn out, and don't want to have to travel all the way to Regina Sunday morning. It's sad, but I will be watching at home! And next weekend I will be there for our last regular season game.

Thursday, October 16

What's the date again??

Oh How I am NOT ready for winter..however on Sunday our first taste of it came.....whether I liked it or not.

Thank goodness Jared was able to have the weekend off and come with me to my parents, b/c I would NOT have enjoyed driving home in this:

Monday, October 13

PURSES are a girl's best friend

And what better way to be great friends than to get one free!!

I haven't bought myself a new purse in over a year...A new purse is definetly needed, and to win one would be even better!

Happy Gobble Gobble

What am I thankful for:

For my healthy beautiful kids.
My loving family.
My wonderful husband.
To be Canadian.
To have supportive friends.
Every oppurtunity that life has given me.
Every smile that my kids give me.
Every laugh that my kids get out of me.
For Oil wives, helping me make new great long lasting friendships.

Those are the mushy things I am thankful the "conveniences" I am thankful for:

Laundry machines...come on doing laundry by hand would SUCK. As it is it takes me all day to do a week's worth of laundry.
Dishwashers...I hate washing dishes. End of story.
Vehicles...Horse back riding is fun enough...but I can't say that I would want to do it as my single mode of transportation. Especially in -40 weather. BRRRR.
TV...I am addicted , and I am very thankful for it. haha.
Electricity...when our power went out last week for over 4 hours, it really made me appreciate it. Sitting in candlelight isn't so fun, unless you are having a romantic evening.

On the days that I am engulfed in self pity..I need to remember these things, and realize that life really isn't that bad. I have things pretty good, and I needn't take these things for granted.

Some more of our Family.

More Family Pics

We spent a bit of our afternoon trying to get some family pics. It was too bad that it was so cold, which made it hard to stay outdoors for a long period of time. And this is just the beginning of winter!! At -0.5 celsius we are saying it's SOOO cold!!!

Family Pics

A few of our family pics from the weekend