The plus side of waiting, is you get a whole wack of pictures in one hit!!!
The kids enjoyed a whole week at their Gramma Maffenbeier's, while Jared worked and I went with my sister's camping in Alberta! It was a blast, and a bunch of those pictures are on here for you to see!!
For those that don't know, my cell phone has been out of commission. Jared dropped it in the lake awhile back..LOL...and it slowly calved on me..and no it just does me no good at all!! I am hoping to have a new one this week or the next!
Dominic is starting Kindergarten in 2 weeks, and Paige will be starting Playschool this year. babies are growing up. I had my very first school shopping trip in Minot. My first of about 15 years of them!! HAHA (that is if we don't have any more kids--and Yes I would love to have another, Jared on the other hand isn't as sure about it as me!)
Jared has been working more than usual, but still not as much as we are used to. It's been a hard 6 months but it's also been nice to have him home more. The kids have grown extra close to him, and Paige has actually transformed from a Mommy's girl to a Daddy's Girl (I know I can't believe it either!)
I have to share an absolutely cute story about our babysitter this week. She is off to hairschool next week, so this is the only week we've had her. The kids LOVE her to death. And yesterday, upon my arrival home, Dominic asks her if she can please stay for a sleep over, he doesn't want her to go. She says she can't , so he says "well can I have a sleepover at your place?" HAHA , and THEN, when her and I both insist she is not staying, and he is not going..She leaves and He BAWLS and runs to his room in a fit of tears.
I received my CS4 and have been busy learning all about it. When I received the program (for thos that don't know it's a professional photo editing program), I got a 30 day trial to It not only has tutorials for CS4, but all KINDS of programs. I have learnt so much more than I ever knew!! I suggest checking it out!!
Me working, has not slowed our lives down a bit. I have weekends off, but not really...
This weekend...we are headed to Regina to have a farewell party for my SIS that is heading off to Quebec for Canada Borders Training for 10 weeks.
Next weekend..we are headed to Regina to share a special day with our friend's Cara & Justin as they get married..also My brother graduates from RCMP and we have a farewell party for him before he heads off to Fort Mac.
AUg 29th weekend...I plan to take the kids on a camping trip close to it is our only open weekend, and they haven't got to go on a camping trip yet!
Sept 4th weekend (Labor Day weekend) we plan to camp out at our friend's Barret & Kandi's in Wolsely, PLUS watch the Labor Day Game in Regina
Sept 12th weekend, I am headed to Winnipeg to watch the Banjo Bowl (Bombers VS Riders)...
I am bound and determined to make my plate a little less full so we can enjoy more family time at home.
oh And Sept 1st marks the date our Satellite returns!! YAY !! Oh how I've missed thee!
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