No I did not kill nor harm this bunny!! In fact, my apologies have nothing to do with said bunny!
I am sorry because....I can no longer keep up.. I am constantly falling behind on my blog...and after a year of having a post for every day of the year I just can't do it. My posts have come so unpersonal, and have mostly just become pictures.
Do NOT get me wrong. Pictures are my pride..I love taking them, and I love sharing them..but the point of this blog is to keep YOU (my friends and family) up-to-date throughout the year. (and of course this is pictures included!!!)
So do not be surprised...if from now on...I do not have 31 posts for the 31 days of July..and so on.
At one point this may seem disappointing...but at should be extatic that I am doing more of THIS (writing), and saying what's going on with our family!!!'s a start (and no bunny STILL does not come in to fact that's an old pic that I used b/c I was too lazy to upload my pics onto my computer!!)
This past weekend we spent the weekend in Regina. It was a very emotional weekend for more than one reason! I'll give you a couple of the reasons.
1. The Riders Lost...yup that's emotional..and YOU know it, and if you don't you SHOULD know it!! Our new, young team needs all the support and emotions you can throw at them (no negativity & no beer cans accepted)
2. It was the last weekend in a long while that my kids are going to see their Grandpa....and I didn't have the heart to tell them that...
My Stepdad (aka my 2nd Dad) is placed up north in RCMP. It's a long drive, and our visits with him 2 1/2 hours away were limited , let alone a 12 hour drive to see him. I'm not gonna go and get totally emotional on you...but that's pretty much the scoop..I will briefly see him on Thursday...after that our visits get very limited!!!
3. Accepting the fact that my Dad #2 is moving away...makes me realize I am soon going to have to face the fact that my brother is ,too, going to be RCMP and moving over 12 hours away. I am used to all my family being within 4 hours (TOPS). And now 1/2 of them are going to be over double the distance away.
4. Accepting both THOSE facts ,make me realize I have to accept the fact that my sister is going to training for CBSA (Canadian Border Services Agency) --if you don't know what THAT means ...I'll dumb it down..It means CUSTOMS Officer!! She will be gone 10 weeks...So that means for 10 weeks that means another member of my family living over 12 hours away (except for her it's WAY further than that --like QUEBEC further!!!)
5. Accepting all said facts...makes me have to accept the fact that ...I finally got a job...finances are tough and I had to do it...but parts of me wish I hadn' am I going to stay in touch with everyone...I was the one sibling that could go wherever and visit everyone...and now I am not..
Emotions are on high..That bunny has came into play now...He makes me think about his picture..instead of my emotions...
I swear I am not due for "that time" for another 3 wks....And I just took one of THOSE tests to rule out "that time" the only other thing I can say's my medication's fault that I will miss everyone HAHA!!
But really...This next month is going to be really hard..Not just for them, but for my mom, my sister and I as we are left in the dust....
ANYWAYS...the reason I can't promise to have a "post-a-day" is for my #5 emotion. I will start working full time Aug 4th. On top of raising 2 beautiful kids AND trying to finish my photography course and start up that business...
Something has to be put on the backburner...and my housework has called NOT IT
I know exactly how you feel, so hard to catch up!