Monday, August 20

Rain rain go away!

I can't believe how fast time flies. It's just unbelievable!! We just got back yesterday from Kandi and Barret's wedding, unfortunately my battery in my camera died and I can't find the charger at the moment, so no pics from it yet!

But here are some other ones: This is my dad's mustang, we used this as our wedding vehicle. It is such an amazing car.

We haven't done a whole lot this week, Jared had the whole week off was supposed to finish things but of course didn't. Instead we went and helped out at my gramma's farm. Chainsawed up a bunch of trees that had fallen over, and tore down her deck (while we were gone to the wedding, others came and put up a new deck for her too). So pretty much that took up our whole week. Don't get me wrong I am always happy to help others out, especially my grandparents...I just wish we woulda accomplished more in our own house seeing as there is a lot to do.

We bought a new china cabinet with some of our wedding money, it is solid oak, from this amazing little store in Regina called Cadillac Oak. I am so glad to have it, b/c we got a lot of expensive glassware for the wedding and had no where to put it!

We are also in the process of ordering a Solid Oak Bedroom outfit (also with our wedding money). I am really excited about that, it will be nice to have a matching bedroom set.

Here is our little man, Dominic driving his (well actually his sisters) floating car.

and Paige much more amused with the dog dish that she can fit perfectly in. Only problem: once she climbs into it she can't get out. So we were constantly taking her out, then she'd go right back in. Priceless.
With Jared back to work today, I am left with a laundry room full of laundry, a miserable day outside, no vehicle and a lot of gifts to find homes for. Needless to say, I shouldn't get bored today.

1 comment:

  1. ya, i think dominic is slightly too big for hte is head is gonna go thru the top like a flintstone!!
