No? Me either! That is, until we were leaving our campsite at Echo Lake. Those dang Albertans (kidding, of course!!). Thankfully, I have no photo's to post, as no damage was done. It was probably the best accident I've been in, ok so it's the only accident, involving another vehicle, that I've ever been in.
Not sure about you, but I worry about what type of "mood" the other driver will be in. Whether they are at fault, or you are at fault. This world is full of crazy people, and you just never know! Thankfully, it was a good experience, and the other driver felt terrible, and I made sure they knew it was no big deal. My kids, on the other hand, having been in a serious car accident..were quite shooken up by it. It took awhile for me to convince them that it was just an accident, that they were OK, and so was the car!
B/c the car wasn't damaged I took no photo's , but here are a couple from our "sibling" camping trip.

We, as siblings, go camping together every year. As we grow older, and take jobs involving shift work..It's become hard to get us all together. Last year, Lance missed out. This year, Amber missed out. One of the tradition's at our camping trip, is to take "scary photo's" we like having fun with those!
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