This weekend we are taking our soon to be FIVE year old to "walking with the dinosaurs"

I KNOW he is going to love it. I just hope I can get some awesome photos of him and the show (seeing as cameras ARE allowed but flashes are NOT!! blah!!)
Next weekend we head off to LETHBRIDGE!!!!!!! YAY!! my sister has been taking her Criminal Justice- Police Studies course there. And she graduates next weekend. She has been working at the Port of Carway (excuse my spelling)..I really hope we have a couple extra moments, as there is a Mormon temple there..and I am interested to go see it. No, we are not Mormon, but it does interest me!
My posts lately have been all about photography and the pictures I have taken lately. I apologize if this bores you. I have been working hard at taking my photography course and love to share with all of you, and get your opinions and critiques!
May 1st weekend we head up to Dauphin MB ( Jared's hometown) for "fish enhancement". This happens once a year, and is very similar to Oxbow's "lobsterfest". Except no lobster...lots of fish and seafood, fish games (like: minnow races, cricket races, catch the sucker fish) It is a BLAST and maybe this year I will win a prize haha!!
May 9th weekend is of course Mother's day weekend. And Oxbow holds their annual "Ladies Night Out". So I will be at home, but busy of course getting it all ready with the fellow Oil Wives.
May 16th weekend we are headed up to Saskatoon..But SSSHH don't tell my gramma!! Her and my son share a birthday (April 30th)..They are twins 60 years a part. I say this b/c me and my grampa (on the other side) shared a birthday. And one of our birthday cakes said "Happy Birthday to the Twins, 46 years apart". ANYWAYS We are all heading up May long weekend to surprise her for her 65th birthday!! This will be the 2nd time this year I get up to Saskatoon!! I am on a roll (usually we're lucky to get up there once a year)
After that, summer starts..camping season starts, swimming lessons start, T-Ball is in fullswing, and before we all know it Summer will be over and Dominic will be in Pre-K...And that means my babykins Paige will be in Playschool!!!
I will make special notes of these dates but here is our family Birthday Calendar for the next few months:
April 26: Jared
April 30: Dominic & Grandma Joan
June 6: Paige
June 13: My Dad.
At least the June bdays I still have time to get gifts...Can someone please help me with ideas for the TWO April Bdays. Dom is easy...summer clothes and toys...Jared...argghh that's a different story!!
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