Monday, September 10



Jayden tagged me into doing here goes:

Here are eight things you DONT know about me:

1)I don't mean to copy you Jayden, but I too am a VERY addictive person. I am addicted to facebook, internet in general, I tend to be the "ok just one more" girl when out for a drink.

2)As much as I am a city girl (I hate bugs, bees, wasps, etc and LOVE shopping and eating at NICE restaurants) I am very much a farm girl too. I can't wait til we own a farm, and I can have a huge garden, do lots of landscaping, mow lots of grass and be able to enjoy the outdoors (minus the bugs,bees and wasps).

3)I am deathly afraid of heights. Here are some examples...if you go into some provincial parks (for us it was the national park in Manitoba), they have these towers you can go up, and they overlook all the trees. Well I did make it to the top, very uneasily. I could only stay up there a couple of minutes and was almost hyperventelating I was so scared and on the way down my legs were so shaky I thought I was going to fall off. Another example, when I was younger I went to Buffalo Days in Regina and they had the drop of doom and really it's not THAT big of a drop..but on the drop my butt left the seat , I seriously thought I was going to die, I couldn't breathe and even though others went back on the ride...I vowed never to do it again! haha.

4)I hate winter. Absolutely HATE it. I hate having to bundle up, and now bundle the kids up too, just to go downtown quickly. I do like going ski-doo'ing, but how often does that happen? not very. I get so down in the winter b/c it's so hard to do anything!! plus I HATE winter driving.

5)I LOVE football, mostly just the cfl, and more specifically mostly just the Riders. But it is the one sport that can be on tv and no matter who's playing I can get into it (if I want to, haha)

6)I am becoming more and more like my mom. And by that I mean..I'm starting to become a neat freak. I don't think my house will ever be as tidy as my mom's...but it definetly bugs me when my house is a mess. So with 2 kids and a husband (that is exhausted by the time he gets home from a 14 hour shift), I am definetly finding it hard to keep my house tidy.

7)I love to swim. not just laps I love swimming laps. I haven't done it in SSOOO long and I so miss it. I wish I would've got into competitive swimming when I was younger..oh well

8)I played with barbies until I was about 14 years old. hahahaha, what ??!!! they were fun!!

I tag Erika.

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